Reviving the Lost Art of Pythagorean Thinking [RTF Lecture]

In this final presentation of the Rising Tide Foundation symposium ‘The Earth’s Next 100 Years’, Matthew Ehret introduces a potent method of thinking embodied in the figures of Plato, Pythagoras and Timaeus of Locri in Ancient Greece.

We trace the work of Pythagorean thinking from the famous Timaeus dialogue, which introduced a rigorous hypothesis of the organizational structure of physical space time, humanity and the Creator of all using the five Platonic solids, harmonics and proportionality of the Creator to creation.

Having established this foundation, we leap ahead centuries to review two other Pythagorean thinkers separated by many generations but united in one conception of the simultaneity of eternity in the form of Johannes Kepler and Dr Robert Moon. Both Kepler and Dr. Moon had taken inspiration from Plato’s Timeaus offering their own unique contributions to the potent method in their own times which forever revolutionized macrophysics, microphysics and even statecraft.

Dr Robert Moon and his Keplerian model of the nucleus- design at right by Christopher Sloan [21st Century Science and Tech]


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