Tim Kelly and Cynthia Chung discuss The Tragedy of Huxley’s Brave New World

In this episode of Our Interesting Times, host Tim Kelly chats with Cynthia Chung of The Rising Tide Foundation www.risingtidefoundation.net to discuss her fascinating series on Huxley and his Brave New World we seem to be living in. From the origins, to the hidden history of mass mind manipulation, to the 60s in California, it’s a fascinating look into how we ended up so prone to propaganda and in the matrix of the mind.

Part one

Who Will Be Brave in Huxley’s New World?

No wonder that the Tavistock Institute and the CIA became involved in looking at the effects of LSD and how to influence and control the mind.

Part two

The War on Science and the 20th Century Descent of Man

Huxley makes it crystal clear that he considers the world to be overpopulated, and that science and progress cannot be free to advance without limits.

Part three

The Origins of the Counterculture Movement: A Gathering of Anarchists, Occultists and Psychoanalysts for a New Age

The third part of Cynthia Chung’s series discusses how Aldous Huxley’s form of ideological spirituality went on to shape the drug-counter-culture movement.

Part four

Huxley’s Ultimate Revolution: The Battle for Your Mind and the Relativity of Madness

The relevance of the Esalen Institute’s “revisioning of madness” needs to be acknowledged as having been entirely spear-headed by the Tavistock Institute, and clearly, not for our benefit.

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