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A Harmony of Interests: Inquiries into the True Nature of the American System

What ideas will shape the next centuries of human civilization as our species begins to confront the reality of our collective self-interest living on the earth? The use of the atomic for either peaceful or warlike purposes has given our species for the first time in history the dual potential to destroy all life as we know it or end want, hunger and fear for all people of all nations. The atom has given us the power, if properly used to green the deserts of the world and stop the inevitable asteroid collisions which have periodically wrecked such havok onto the earth over the epochs resulting in the loss of 99.9% of all species that have ever existed.

If humanity continues to hold onto the habits, rules and behaviour of geopolitics, “might makes right” thinking and rule over the weak by the powerful as has been our lot for thousands of years (with a few respites), then it can be said with relative certainty that the atom will be used for destruction. If however, we take the opportunity to properly appreciate the anti-imperial struggle as it was waged in ancient Athens by leaders of Plato’s Academy, and as it emerged over the centuries with greater creative potency to finally come to life during the 15th century Florentine renaissance and then in the form of the independence movement of the British and French colonies from 1630-1776, then we may have a brighter future and the atom’s use may be for the good.

In order to counter-act the suppression of the unique system of political economy that emerged onto the world in the wake of the Renaissance and which took on new creative life after the American Revolution under the guidance of “renaissance man” Benjamin Franklin and his protege Alexander Hamilton, the Rising Tide Foundation presents here the full proceedings of a course entitled “A Harmony of Interests: Inquiries into the True Nature of the American System” which took place between July 1, 2020 and September 12, 2020.

Each lecture below presents different facets of the “American System of Political Economy” as it is not taught in modern universities but yet which profoundly shaped the last 260 years of human history.

The Full Course

Wednesday, July 1 (Canada Day special) from 6-8pm EST
Ben Franklin’s Genius and the Missed Chance of 1776
Lecturer: Matthew Ehret, co-founder of Canadian Patriot Review and the Rising Tide Foundation)


Sunday July 5 (Independence Day special) 4-6pm EST
Franklin to Kennedy: Prometheus and America
Lecturer: Anton Chaitkin, author of “Treason in America”, the “Unauthorized Biography of George Bush” and the soon-to-be published book “Franklin to Kennedy: Prometheus and America”


Sunday, July 12 (4-6pm EST)
Colbert, Leibniz and Vattel: The Cameralist Roots of American System Economics
Lecturer: Sam Labrier, engineer and author


Sunday, July 19 (4-6pm EST)
The Tragedy of Quebec and the 1837 Rebellion
Lecturer: Pascal Chevrier, Historian and teacher


Sunday July 26 (4-6pm EST)
Toussaint Louverture, the Haitian Revolution and the Evolution of the American Republic
Lecturer: Gerald Therrien, historian and author of the Unveiling of Canadian History vol. 1-5


Sunday, August 2 (4-6pm EST)
Frederick Douglass, Lincoln and the Fight for the Soul of America
Lecturer: Cynthia Chung, President of the Rising Tide Foundation


Sunday, August 9 (4-6pm EST)
A Fresh Look at the Pan-African Movement
Lecturer: Nick Jones, President of Artists Alliance for Africa, dancer with Les Grands Ballets de Montreal


Sunday, August 16 (4-6pm) “The First NATO: Reassessing the Anglo-French Alliance of th mid-19th Century and the Chaos it unleashed on the World” Lecturer: Martin Sieff, Strategic Culture Foundation, veteran journalist and author


Sunday, August 23 (4-6pm EST) Alexander Hamilton versus Wall Street Lecturer: Nancy Spannaus, President of American System Now and author of Hamilton vs. Wall Street


Sunday, September 6 (4-6pm EST) Hydar Ali and India’s Forgotten Independence Struggle Lecturer: Asad Wasti

Sunday, September 12 (4-6pm EST)
From Franklin to Lincoln to FDR: How America’s Anti-Imperial Heritage Was Subverted
Lecturer: Matthew Ehret, co-founder of Canadian Patriot Review and the Rising Tide Foundation)

Lecture cycle ends

New cycle starts:

Towards an Age of Creative Reason: Why the Poetic Principle is Imperative for Statecraft (Oct 4- Nov.22)


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