C.S. Lewis’ Perelandra: Towards a Beatific or Miserific Vision?

C.S. Lewis is famously known for his work ‘The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe’ as well as his impassioned defense of Christianity in an age of accelerating materialism, but he is less known for his work in science fiction. Although not often appreciated as these works deserve, Lewis’ sci-fi trilogy (Out of the Silent…

Science, God and the Origins of the Metric System with Fehmi Krasniqi

In this Rising Tide Foundation presentation, Fehmi Krasniqi (creator of K19: Secret of the Great Pyramid documentary) unveils his discovery that the origins of the metric system are not to be found in the French revolution as is popularly believed, but much further back in time. In fact, as Fehmi points out, not only was…

Reconstruction: Struggles to Right a Nation from Turmoil

With the bold flourish of a quill, four million desperate souls became “freed men” on Jan. 1, 1863. Were they really free, or did the battle for their independence and economic survival just begin? What can we today learn about the attempts to overthrow the imperial policies of Great Britain and their supporters in North…