The ABCs in Energy: Do We Actually Understand How Energy Works?

By Cynthia Chung Europeans are presently being told that the energy crisis they are entering, with natural gas prices now four times higher than last year, stems from a longer winter, competition with East Asian countries for gas, and problems on the supply end with delayed maintenance and less investment. These gas prices are in…

Escaping Calypso’s Island: A Journey Out of Our Green Delusion

RTF Docu-Series Is it truly the case that in order to live in harmony with nature, industrial activity must be eliminated? Can green energy systems support our current world population and is it possible to have an advanced growing thriving world civilization while also enjoying growing, thriving ecosystems? In this ongoing six part docu-series, The…

An African Renaissance Emerges with Multipolar Alliance

By Matthew Ehret [This is an expanded version of an article which was first published on The Cradle on August 1st] The oft-repeated neoliberal messaging proclaiming Russia’s isolation as a pariah state is wearing thin. US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s recent tour of Africa has demonstrated a desperation never before seen felt by the…

Guanzi- Introduction to 3000 Years of Chinese Economic Thought

Guanzi is a nearly 3000 year old Chinese treatise that defines economics as “the study of making the country rich” which is still quoted by China’s leaders to this day. Join us for an afternoon we we transcend the lens of western-only understanding, read from original texts, and see what economics has always meant from…

How to Save a Republic Part Two: Lincoln and the Greenbacks

By Matthew Ehret In my last paper I introduced the figure of Alexander Hamilton (first Treasury Secretary and founder of the American System of political economy). I reviewed how America was saved from an early dismemberment in the early years of chaos after 1783’s Peace of Paris which finally ended the war with Britain but left…

What Determines A Limit to Growth?

By Cynthia Chung This is an article version of a class Cynthia Chung gave for the symposium “The Earth Next 100 Years” which can be viewed here. What Determines a “Limit to Growth”? This might seem like a rather ignorant or simplistic question to some. Many will think the answer rather obvious, that the Limit…

There are No Limits to Scientific Abundance (feat. Cynthia Chung)

Listen to the podcast here. In this episode we talk to Cynthia Chung, President of the Rising Tide Foundation and a writer at Strategic Culture Foundation. Topics include: geopolitics, Davos/World Economic Forum, China, debunking Malthus & Darwin from a scientific pov, wind & solar vs nuclear & fossil fuel; debunking scientific technology myths about: genetic…