How the ‘Real’ America Is in Harmony With the Belt and Road Initiative

In reviewing some history, you might be shocked to discover that the Belt and Road Initiative is more American than the America which the world has come to know over the past 50 years. The American Revolution as an International Struggle The fact that the American Revolution was an international affair is made evident by the fact that without…

An Overview of the Bay of Pigs and its Relevance for Today

By Cynthia Chung “There is a kind of character in thy life, That to the observer doth thy history, fully unfold.” – William Shakespeare Once again we find ourselves in a situation of crisis, where the entire world holds its breath all at once and can only wait to see whether this volatile black cloud…

A Mission for Africa: Past, Present and Future

By Nicholas Jones This article was written in conjunction with a lecture which is available here. Africa is a continent of enormous potential, cultural wealth and with the worlds youngest population, it is simply bursting at the seams for much needed development in all sectors of society. Take Ghana as a shining example: Since the…

John F. Kennedy, NAWAPA and China’s New Silk Road

As we solemnly remember the life and mission of the martyred President Kennedy 57 years ago today, it is worth noting that his was a life devoted to the actualization of all inherent powers of his own citizens and citizens of all nations in our common struggle for freedom, security and cooperation. Between his alliance…

China’s Sputnik Moment Kindles a New Spark of Hope for the World

By Matthew Ehret It was once believed in the west that the future would be beautiful, just, and as plentiful as it was peaceful. Under John F. Kennedy’s bold leadership the idea of space exploration was more than a simple “space race” or plopping a human being on the moon “within the decade and returning…

The Art of War in the 21st Century

By Cynthia Chung Sun Tzu’s The Art of War is one of the most influential books written on military strategy and philosophy. This is not confined to just Asians but Europeans and Americans alike have attempted to study The Art of War hoping its wisdom would be revealed to them. However, it is clear with…

Can NASA’s ‘Artemis Accords’ Spark a U.S.-Russia Alliance?

By Matthew Ehret The May 30 successful launch of America’s first manned launch since 2011 ushers in a hopeful new age of exploration and cooperation which is desperately needed during this period of profound international turmoil and crisis. While many onlookers were inspired by this milestone, too few truly appreciate the broader strategy of which…