Identifying False Post-WWII Narratives [RTF Lecture with Irene Eckert]

What if everything you’ve ever been taught about the causes of the Cold War were a lie? What if leading Nazis like Reinhardt Gehlen (chief of Nazi intelligence) and his entire network were reconstituted in West Germany by leading figures running the CIA? What if these same agencies also created a nihilistic cult of ugliness…

Schiller’s William Tell: A People’s Fight for Freedom

Friedrich Schiller is a name beloved in Germany as the “poet of freedom”, and while festivals were once held in his honor across the English speaking world just a few generations ago, his memory has sadly fallen into the shadows. Despite that, Schiller’s life and works of drama and poetry inspired not only the greatest…

Cervantes and His Age: Don Quixote and a Spain in Crisis

For this lecture from the Rising Tide Foundation Symposium “Storytelling, Mythmaking, and the Shaping of Universal History” Adam Sedia will go over the relevance of Cervantes’s “Don Quixote” for today. Miguel de Cervantes’s Don Quixote is commonly considered the first modern novel. It certainly is one of the most beloved — it has more translations…

Rabelais and the Fight for the Modern Nation State

Early 16th century France was a newly formed nation-state following the exploits of Joan of Arc and unification efforts of Louis XI. The counterattack coming from the oligarchic forces was a most bloody religious warfare and Inquisition throughout Europe, pitting each against all. In the midst of all this raging madness, stood in France a…

Rediscovering the Odyssey of Homer: Was it History or Myth?

Up until the late 19th century, humanity had presumed that the fantastical stories conveyed in the ancient works of Homer were little more than fiction. However, certain archaeologists choose to see in Homer’s work the metaphorical hand of truth, and following the author’s descriptions of lands contained in the Illiad, tracked down the exact locations…

The 1648 Peace of Westphalia: A Phase Shift in Universal History

Today’s world is shaped by a tension caused by two opposing paradigms pulling humanity into two directions. Where one is unipolar and premised around an organizing principle of “Might makes Right”, the other is multi-polar and shaped by a principle of “win-win cooperation”. Where one is imperial- defining “value” around the material extraction of land…

The Cold War as an Aberration of History [A Symposium in 5 Acts]

Between November 28 and December 26, the Rising Tide Foundation is hosting a symposium of 5 lectures featuring different stories from the Cold War. Each story zeroes in on the artificial causes of this dark period in world history that never should have happened and how great men and women who understood how to break…

The Cosmology of the Electric Universe (RTF Lecture with Dr. Michael Clarage)

What if everything you’ve been told about biology, cosmology, and microphysics is wrong? In this Rising Tide Foundation lecture, Dr. Michael Clarage introduces the electrical model of the universe by exploring solar systems, galaxies, supernova and other celestial phenomena without the baggage of assuming there are such entities of “black holes”, “dark matter”, or “empty…

From Trance to Transcendence: Lessons for Saving a Dying Republic

In this Rising Tide Foundation presentation, David Gosselin (editor of the New Lyre and Chained Muse Poetry journals) expands upon the thesis of breaking the spell of mass hypnosis which has been used by social engineers over the course of several generations to induce western civilization to abandon its moral traditions while walking into an…

Australia’s great historical Promethean leaders

Amidst our turbulent times as nations representing western civilization demonstrate a level of insanity and criminal incompetence unseen in human history, it is important to review past examples with a critical eye. Did nations like Canada, the USA, Europe or Australia achieve their levels of technological progress over the past century by following modern standards…